Friday, April 25, 2008

Big Man on Campus :)

Archie has been accepted into Albuquerque's developmental preschool program. He will be going to school 5 days a week beginning in August. He'll be in a class with 8 other kids and he will have occupational, physical and speech therapists working with him as well. Its a big step for Archie but we think (and hope!) he will enjoy being around other children his age...other than that big news, Archie is still eating well and learning how to pick up his cup and spoon. He has lost some weight since the g-tube removal but we think having a big ol' tummy was throwing off his balance. He will walk/wobble with us if we hold his hands and guide him. He hasn't spoken any real words yet, but his listening skills are very advanced ;) He LOVES music: The Banana Boat Song (Day-O) by Harry Belafonte, is one of his favorites...

Josie's preschool class will be finishing up in May... she is looking forward to our trip to Ohio (where she was born!), New York and Pennsylvania to see Great Grandpa Iller, Great Uncle Roy, Grandma and Grandpa Haley, and her Aunts, Uncle and cousins.

Chris is working on the big April/May TV sweeps by giving away hundreds of Wii's - which should help boost the stations' ratings!

Robin just finished reading Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer, the best book series since Harry Potter.

The whole family went to a casting call this month for Terminator 4 (!), starring Christian Bale, which is filming in Albuquerque over the summer...we haven't gotten any call-backs yet but maybe thats a good thing because Arnold isn't in this one ;)

We also went to Cliff's Amusement Park and will post pictures soon - Archie went on a ride with his big sister for the first time :)

ENJOY SPRING (it seems to fly by)

p.s. if you want to see a real honest-to-goodness tumbleweed (who wouldn't?), check out our April 2008 photo album