Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Pickles and french fries

Archie had his monthly appointment with his gastroenterologist today. He is going to take Archie off baby formula and put him on Pediasure which has more calories and more nutrition because he's almost 1 year old! He also recommended giving Archie pickles and french fries to eat. He feels that Archie would respond to saltier foods rather than bland. So we'll give it a shot and see how it goes...other than that, Archie is staying healthy and got thru a cold that we all had, with out any problems. He loves jumping in his jumper and practically launches himself out of it at times!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Valentines Day from snowy Albuquerque! Its also Congenital Heart Defects Awareness week: check out the link for more info.

we're very glad that Archie's heart is happy and he's healthy right now :)

Check out our new pictures in the February 2007 album under the "Photos" section.

want to listen to some music we like? go see our "Music" section!