Sunday, November 18, 2007


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Archie has stayed healthy and has not been in a hospital for over a year! YAY! (this time last year he was getting ready to be discharged from our hospital here in NM)

He is still going to the feeding clinic three times a week, "walking" on a treadmill, and receiving physical therapy at home. He is eating 3 meals a day and drinking milk from a sippy cup (with help from Mom and Dad). He is still on the feeding tube but we are hoping he will be off it this Spring. His weight has stayed the same but he is getting taller! He is showing interest in climbing stairs and is pulling up on everything, including our legs...he refuses to say Momma but loves to say DaDaDa!

New Mexico Donor Services is promoting organ donation this month so our local ABC news team is doing a feature story on Archie for the news tonight - we will try and post a clip here soon!

Josie's preschool is having their Thanksgiving party tomorrow - she is very excited because her class helped make the pumpkin pies! We haven't had any more calls from "Hollywood" but two new movies ("Brothers" starring Natalie Portman, Toby McGuire and "Not Forgetten" starring Simon Baker) are getting ready to start filming in New Mexico and they are looking for extras, so we'll see!

Chris is in the middle of the November sweeps and so far the ongoing writer's strike isn't affecting the ratings (knock on wood).

Robin is looking forward to the best birthday present ever! Chris is flying in Michelle for a visit next month! :) :) :)

Have a safe, happy and delicious Thanksgiving everybody!!!